The Glengarry Pioneer Museum values its many volunteers and could not operate without them. Currently, the museum is looking for enthusiastic Board and Committee members who will help support museum staff and work to achieve the museum’s vision. The vision of the museum is to act as a steward of the history and heritage of Glengarry County and commit to communicating the unique stories of this area in an inclusive, engaging and professional manner.
This is YOUR museum. Volunteer to help shape the museum’s future!
The museum is currently seeking volunteers with experience and/or interest in serving on the following committees:
- Fundraising Committee
- Event Planning Committee
- A General Seat at the Board
Specific positions that will soon need replacements include:
- Secretary
- Vice Chair
- Member at Large
- Event Planning Chair
If you are not interested in a specific position right now, keep in mind that the museum is constantly looking for turnover. A one-year commitment to the Board, or a committee is a great way to get your feet wet and see where your skills and interests fit in.
Volunteering can be a rewarding, healthy way to be involved in a community, practice or enhance skills, and even add to a resume. Make volunteering part of your New Year’s resolution!
Prefer to have less commitment and be called as-needed? There are opportunities for you too.
- Fundraising & Planning Committee (2-3 volunteers)
This is a standing committee for the Board of Directors with the task of planning fundraising initiatives such as Grants, Foundations, and Sponsorship opportunities. This committee will plan fundraising based on needed projects within the museum. This committee will work closely with staff and the Board.
2. Event Planning Committee (1-2 volunteers)
The goal of the Event Planning Committee is to review the museum’s overall event plan, finalize the event schedule for the following year, including the confirmation and recruitment of organizers for said events. It is a creative, organizational position. This committee only meets 1-2 times in a year. This committee needs a new Chairperson to schedule and facilitate the meetings and ensure the goals are met. A new general member is also welcome.
Note: Members of the Fundraising and Event Planning Committees do not have to serve on the Board.
3. New Board Members
The Board of Directors is always looking for new members to get involved by attending Board meetings and offering support in achieving the museum’s objectives. Board members must regularly attend Board meetings (8-10 per year) and stay informed on committee matters including review of minutes and reports. They support special events and participate in fundraising initiatives by taking leadership roles. They advocate for the organization and speak with a united voice.
4. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all general membership (AGM), Museum Board and Executive Committee meetings. Each year’s minutes will be forwarded to staff for storage at the museum.
5. Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. This would include facilitating Board meetings if necessary.
6. Member at Large
The Member at Large positions on the Board are part of the Executive committee. The museum can have up to two Members at Large. The museum is currently seeking one Member at Large.
The Board meets approximately 10 times per year, usually the second Wednesday of the month. The Executive meets 2-4 times per year, when necessary. Meetings last 1 to 1.5 hours. The Secretary, Vice-Chairperson, and Member at Large have voting privileges on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Since 2020, the museum has adapted to allow for virtual zoom meetings when necessary and also offer a hybrid approach, where some members attend in person and others can join virtually.
If you would like to be considered for a committee or a Board position or have any questions, please fill out the volunteer information form and send it to: info@glengarrypioneermuseum.ca
Complete the Volunteer Information Form online and submit it online.